The partnership agreement signed between Wagyu Breeders Association Ltd( WBA) de UK and Embriomarket SL in Spain allows Wagyu breeders with animals born in Spain to be able to register such animals and have their Wagyu genealogical registration certificate, through the Genealogical Register of Race in the United Kingdom which also forms part of the Genealogical Register in Australia, Australian Wagyu Association (AWA).
This agreement represents a major step forward for farmers in Spain who can thus see the purity of their animals recognised and certified.
The interest in the Wagyu breed extends in Spain, where breeders, entrepreneurs and renowned cooks highlight the virtues of this meat and the growing demand for it.
Embriomarket SL through the registered trademark SWB (Spanish Wagyu Breeders) is the only entity authorised in Spain to proceed with the genealogical registration of the animals of Wagyu breed.
Any breeder or owner of Wagyu animals in Spain can go to Embriomarket SL to inform himself and proceed to the registration of his animals, not being necessary for this procedure to be a member, client or collaborator of Embriovet & Embriomarket, since it is a service for all breeders or owners in Spain.
Request information for the registration of your Wagyu animals in or in 981.791.843 or 649.239.488.